
Opening Remarks

It is our great honor to host the “53rd International Conference of the Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resources” together with ‘National Institute of Animal Science’, with a theme of “Crisis and opportunities for animal products from the threat of viruses”.

Thank you for joining us at the three-day international conference 2021.

As the pandemic of COVID-19 has been continued since the beginning of last year, we regret that this annual meeting and program is to be held online. However, we invite several world famous speakers giving invaluable talks about optimizing food industry, food safety and pivoting strategies in the era of post COVID-19.

On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to thank Dr. Beom-Young Park, the director general of National Institute of Animal Science, for co-hosting this conference.

Currently, the field of animal-derived foods is facing emergence of new types of protein foods. To continuously lead protein food area, our society members including scientists, professors, postdocs and students are working hard inside and outside laboratories. Today, we provide special forum for animal food alternatives with special focus on plant-based animal food alternatives, cell culture meats, and regulation and managements for animal food alternatives.

We also provide special forum about animal by-products because traditional animal-originated products are major interest for many people attending this conference.

This conference will be the premier venue for the presenters and the participants with a variety of specialties. By sharing up-to-date scientific data and issues, we can lead the development of animalderived food sciences and provide healthy solutions to current and upcoming issues.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone who attend and support the conference, and your participation should be indispensable to a successful hosting of the conference.

Thanks again and enjoy the conference.

May 27, 2021

President, Prof. Myung Soo Nam

Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resources